Tama County
Solid Waste Disposal Commission
The Tama County Landfill is managed by the Tama County Solid Waste Disposal Commission, which is an organization of communities in Tama County. Commission membership includes Chelsea, Clutier, Dysart, Elberon, Garwin, Gladbrook, Lincoln, Montour, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Vining, unincorporated areas of Tama County, and the Meskwaki Nation. The landfill is supported financially by a per capita fee and rates paid for waste disposal and recycling services at the landfill.

Commission Members
Each member city and nation appoints one representative, and each member of the three member Tama County Board of Supervisors serves as a representative. In January 2025, unincorporated Tama County will start being represented by one supervisor and two residents appointed by the supervisors.

Chair: Linn Snell
Vice Chair: Steve VanDeWalle
Executive Board
Steve VanDeWalle
Bryan Ellenbecker
Bart Jensen
Chelsea: Steve VanDeWalle
Clutier: Linda Pearson
Dysart: Bart Jensen
Elberon: Linn Snell
Garwin: Rick Raymond
Gladbrook: Dwight Surber
Lincoln: No appointed representative
Montour: No appointed representative
Tama: Bryan Ellenbecker
Toledo: Les Richter
Traer: Jon Panfil
Vining: No appointed representative
Tama County: Curt Hilmer, Bill Faircloth, Dan Anderson
​Meskwaki Nation: No appointed representative